2021 Compliance Risk Index Released Today

GCSG releases third annual Compliance Risk Index (CRI)

The CRI provides business, compliance, and risk professionals with an easy to understand overall risk score and rating, at the country-level, based on assessing five risk domains

PRAIRIEVILLE, LA., August 15, 2022 – The 2021 Compliance Risk Index (CRI) was released today by Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG). The 2021 CRI is the third publication of the index. The CRI measures compliance risk in more than 200 countries and territories.  It provides the reader with a calculated overall composite risk score and assigns a composite risk rating across five domains (Governance and Regulatory, Bribery and Corruption, Trade, Financial, and Data Privacy) and a risk score and rating within each domain for each country.    

The domains are assessed using 26 publicly available data sources such as the World Bank, World Economic Forum, and the Heritage Foundation.  Based on our analysis and algorithms the information is processed and a score and rating is assigned.     

With today’s fast-paced compliance and risk environment and the recent trade wars and global pandemic companies are looking to diversify their supply chains and reduce their compliance risk.”  said Jonathan Mellard, Founder, GCSG.

The CRI is a tool for business, compliance and risk professionals to assist with understanding their potential compliance risk in their ongoing operations and with their M&A activity. 

“Our compliance risk index provides the users access to our knowledge and experience without having to formally engage us.  And then, as needed we can provide direct client support with our international advisory, audit and due diligence services,” added Mellard. 

Access the 2021 Compliance Risk Index: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/compliance-risk-index

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Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG)

GCSG is headquartered in Louisiana, USA. We guide and partner with our clients to reduce their compliance risk and help protect their bottom line and reputation. We provide international Advisory, Audit, and Due Diligence products and services wherever our global clients are located across a range of industries in the areas of Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Import, Export, and Customs Compliance, and Data Privacy.

For more information about GCSG: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/about-us


E   info@globalcompliancesg.com

W http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/contact

2020 Compliance Risk Index Released Today

GCSG releases second annual Compliance Risk Index (CRI)

The CRI provides business, compliance, and risk professionals with an easy to understand overall risk score and rating, at the country-level, based on assessing five risk domains

PRAIRIEVILLE, LA., April 26, 2021 – The 2020 Compliance Risk Index (CRI) was released today by Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG). The 2020 CRI is the second publication of the index. The CRI measures compliance risk in more than 200 countries and territories.  It provides the reader with a calculated overall composite risk score and assigns a composite risk rating across five domains (Governance and Regulatory, Bribery and Corruption, Trade, Financial, and Data Privacy) and a risk score and rating within each domain for each country.    

The domains are assessed using 26 publicly available data sources such as the World Bank, World Economic Forum, and the Heritage Foundation.  Based on our analysis and algorithms the information is processed and a score and rating is assigned.     

With today’s fast-paced compliance and risk environment and the recent trade wars and global pandemic companies are looking to diversify their supply chains and reduce their compliance risk.”  said Jonathan Mellard, Founder, GCSG.

The CRI is a tool for business, compliance and risk professionals to assist with understanding their potential compliance risk in their ongoing operations and with their M&A activity. 

“Our compliance risk index provides the users access to our knowledge and experience without having to formally engage us.  And then, as needed we can provide direct client support with our international advisory, audit and due diligence services,” added Mellard. 

Access the 2020 Compliance Risk Index: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/compliance-risk-index

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Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG)

GCSG is headquartered in Louisiana, USA. We reduce risk and help protect our client’s business by guiding and partnering with them to solve challenging compliance issues. We provide international Advisory, Audit, and Due Diligence products and services wherever our global clients are located across a range of industries in the areas of Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Import, Export, and Customs Compliance, Data Privacy, Drug Precursor, and Distilled Spirits Plant Compliance.

For more information about GCSG: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/about-us


E   info@globalcompliancesg.com

W http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/contact

GCSG Issues Philippines Compliance Profile

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) issues Philippines country compliance risk profile

GCSG distributes Philippines, our eighth country compliance risk profile – our risk profiles provide business, compliance, and risk professionals with a snapshot of relevant governance, trade compliance, anti-bribery and corruption, and data privacy risks

PRAIRIEVILLE, LA – GCSG, a professional compliance management consulting company, today issues the Philippines our eighth country compliance risk profile.  The risk profiles are intended for business, compliance and risk professionals concerned with governance, trade compliance, anti-bribery and corruption compliance, and data privacy risks in countries in which they do business. 

Each risk profile is designed to provide a snapshot of a targeted set of compliance risks within each country to assist the user with understanding the risks in that country as they look to diversify their supply chains, acquire a new business, or improve their knowledge of a country they currently operate within. 

We are excited to build on our client focused services with the launch of our free country compliance risk profiles because we believe they will bring value to the user,” said Jonathan Mellard, Founder, GCSG. 

Each risk profile provides a concise view of relevant legislation, risks, and the current environment.  Every risk profile incorporates a risk ranking for each category and for the country overall.  The risk ranking is determined using our Compliance Risk Index (CRI), a tool that analyzes a combination of publicly available factors and then calculates and assigns a score for potential risk at the country level.   

Our first seven profiles were Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, India, and Turkey. Interested parties should periodically check our country risk profiles web page as we continue, over time, to add more profiles.

Access the Philippines risk profile: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/s/Philippines-Country-Risk-Profile_2020.pdf

Access all of our country risk profiles: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/country-risk-profiles

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Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) is headquartered in Louisiana, USA.  We provide international Advisory, Audit, and Due Diligence products and services wherever our global clients are located across a range of industries in the areas of Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Import, Export, and Customs Compliance, Drug Precursor, and Distilled Spirits Plant Compliance. We reduce risk and help protect our client’s business by guiding and partnering with them to solve challenging compliance issues. 

For more information about GCSG: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/about-us

Follow us online:

·         Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/globalcompliancesg

·         Twitter – https://twitter.com/GCSGLLC

·         LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-compliance-solutions-group-llc

Signup for our monthly global compliance news update email: http://eepurl.com/crXHmL


E   info@globalcompliancesg.com

W http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/contact

GCSG Issues China Country Risk Profile

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) issues China country compliance risk profile

GCSG distributes China, our fifth country compliance risk profile – our risk profiles provide business, compliance, and risk professionals with a snapshot of relevant governance, trade compliance, and anti-bribery and corruption risks

PRAIRIEVILLE, LA – GCSG, a professional compliance management consulting company, today issues China our fifth country compliance risk profile.  The risk profiles are intended for business, compliance and risk professionals concerned with governance, trade compliance, and anti-bribery and corruption compliance risks in countries in which they do business. 

Each risk profile is designed to provide a snapshot of a targeted set of compliance risks within each country to assist the user with understanding the risks in that country as they look to diversify their supply chains, acquire a new business, or improve their knowledge of a country they currently operate within. 

We are excited to build on our client focused services with the launch of our free country compliance risk profiles because we believe they will bring value to the user,” said Jonathan Mellard, Founder, GCSG. 

Each risk profile provides a concise view of relevant legislation, risks, and the current environment.  Every risk profile incorporates a risk ranking for each category and for the country overall.  The risk ranking is determined using our Compliance Risk Index (CRI), a tool that analyzes a combination of publicly available factors and then calculates and assigns a score for potential risk at the country level.   

Our first four profiles were Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Interested parties should periodically check our country risk profiles web page as we continue, over time, to add more profiles.

Access the China risk profile: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/s/China-Country-Risk-Profile_2020.pdf

Access all of our country risk profiles: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/country-risk-profiles

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Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) is headquartered in Louisiana, USA.  We provide international Advisory, Audit, and Due Diligence products and services wherever our global clients are located across a range of industries in the areas of Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Import, Export, and Customs Compliance, Drug Precursor, and Distilled Spirits Plant Compliance. We reduce risk and help protect our client’s business by guiding and partnering with them to solve challenging compliance issues. 

For more information about GCSG: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/about-us

Follow us online:

·         Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/globalcompliancesg

·         Twitter – https://twitter.com/GCSGLLC

·         LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-compliance-solutions-group-llc

Signup for our monthly global compliance news update email: http://eepurl.com/crXHmL


E   info@globalcompliancesg.com

GCSG launches Compliance Risk Index

GCSG launches inaugural Compliance Risk Index (CRI)  

GCSG introduces CRI, our inaugural compliance risk index – the CRI provides business, compliance, and risk professionals with an easy to understand risk number and rating, at the country-level, that quantifies overall compliance risk across four domains and separately within each of the four domains

PRAIRIEVILLE, LA., Nov. 20, 2019  – GCSG, a professional compliance management consulting company, today announces the launch of our new Compliance Risk Index (CRI).  The CRI measures perceived compliance risk in more than 200 countries.  It provides a calculated overall composite risk number and assigns a composite risk rating across four domains (Governance and Regulatory, Bribery and Corruption, Trade, and Financial) and a score and rating within each domain for each country.    

The domains are assessed using publicly available data sources such as the World Bank, World Economic Forum, and the Heritage Foundation.  Based on our analysis and algorithm the information is processed and a score is assigned.     

In today’s global compliance environment, it can seem like an impossible task for business, compliance, and risk professionals to stay up to date with all the changes.  Amid this fast-paced environment and the recent trade wars some companies are looking to diversify their supply chains, improve their compliance programs, and others to grow through acquisition.  We deliberated how we could bring additional value for companies in these situations and decided on a no cost annual compliance risk index as well as our recently introduced country risk profiles,”  said Jonathan Mellard, Founder, GCSG.

The CRI is provided to the public at no cost and was developed to be a tool for business, compliance and risk professionals to assist with compliance risk assessments for ongoing operations or M&A activity and to be used as part of a risk-based compliance program. 

“Our compliance risk index and our country risk profiles will enable users to access our knowledge and experience without having to formally engage us.  And then, as needed we can provide direct client support with our international advisory, audit and due diligence products and services,” added Mellard. 

Access our Compliance Risk Index: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/compliance-risk-index

Access our country risk profiles: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/country-risk-profiles

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Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) is headquartered in Louisiana, USA.  We provide international Advisory, Audit, and Due Diligence products and services wherever our clients are located across a range of industries in the areas of Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Import, Export, and Customs Compliance, Drug Precursor, and Distilled Spirts Plant Compliance. We reduce risk and help protect our client’s business by guiding and partnering with them to solve challenging compliance issues. 

To learn more about GCSG: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/about-us

Follow us online:

·         Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/globalcompliancesg

·         Twitter – https://twitter.com/GCSGLLC

·         LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-compliance-solutions-group-llc

Signup for our monthly global compliance news update newsletter: http://eepurl.com/crXHmL


E   info@globalcompliancesg.com

GCSG issues Malaysia compliance risk profile

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) issues Malaysia country compliance risk profile

GCSG distributes Malaysia, our fourth country compliance risk profile – our risk profiles provide business, compliance, and risk professionals with a snapshot of relevant governance, trade compliance, and anti-bribery and corruption risks

PRAIRIEVILLE, LA – GCSG, a professional compliance management consulting company, today issues Malaysia our fourth country compliance risk profile (“risk profiles”).  The risk profiles are intended for business, compliance and risk professionals concerned with governance, trade compliance, and anti-bribery and corruption compliance risks in countries in which they do business. 

Each risk profile is designed to provide a snapshot of a targeted set of compliance risks within each country to assist the user with understanding the risks in that country as they look to diversify their supply chains, acquire a new business, or improve their knowledge of a country they currently operate within. 

We are excited to build on our client focused services with the launch of our free country compliance risk profiles because we believe they will bring value to the user,” said Jonathan Mellard, Founder, GCSG. 

Each risk profile provides a concise view of relevant legislation, risks, and the current environment.  Every risk profile incorporates a risk ranking for each category and for the country overall.  The risk ranking is determined using our Compliance Risk Index (CRI), a tool that analyzes a combination of publicly available factors and then calculates and assigns a score for potential risk at the country level.   

Our first three profiles were Vietnam, Myanmar, and Indonesia. Interested parties should periodically check our country risk profiles web page as we continue, over time, to add more profiles.

This Malaysia risk profile was written in collaboration with the Malaysian office of Rahmat Lim & Partners.

Access the Malaysia risk profile: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/s/Malaysia-Country-Risk-Profile-ee42.pdf

Access our country risk profiles web page: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/country-risk-profiles

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Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) is headquartered in Louisiana, USA.  We provide international Advisory, Audit, and Due Diligence products and services wherever our clients are located across a range of industries in the areas of Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Import, Export, and Customs Compliance, Drug Precursor, and Distilled Spirits Plant Compliance. We reduce risk and help protect our client’s business by guiding and partnering with them to solve challenging compliance issues. 

For more information about GCSG: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/about-us

Follow us online:

·         Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/globalcompliancesg

·         Twitter – https://twitter.com/GCSGLLC

·         LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-compliance-solutions-group-llc

Signup for our monthly global compliance news update email: http://eepurl.com/crXHmL


E   info@globalcompliancesg.com

GCSG issues Myanmar country risk profile

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) issues Myanmar country compliance risk profile

GCSG distributes Myanmar, our second country compliance risk profile – our risk profiles provide business, compliance, and risk professionals with a snapshot of relevant governance, trade compliance, and anti-bribery and corruption risks

PRAIRIEVILLE, LA – GCSG, a professional compliance management consulting company, today issues our second country compliance risk profile (“risk profiles”).  The risk profiles are intended for business, compliance and risk professionals concerned with governance, trade compliance, and anti-bribery and corruption compliance risks in countries in which they do business.  Our second profile is for Myanmar.   

Each risk profile is designed to provide a snapshot of a targeted set of compliance risks within each country to assist the user with understanding the risks in that country as they look to diversify their supply chains, acquire a new business, or improve their knowledge of a country they currently operate within. 

We are excited to build on our client focused services with the launch of our free country compliance risk profiles because we believe they will bring value to the user,” said Jonathan Mellard, Founder, GCSG. 

Each risk profile provides a concise view of relevant legislation, risks, and the current environment.  Every risk profile incorporates a risk ranking for each category and for the country overall.  The risk ranking is determined using our proprietary country risk-scoring tool that analyzes a combination of publicly available factors and then calculates and assigns a score for potential risk at the country level.        

Our first profile, issued last week was for Vietnam. Interested parties should periodically check our country risk profiles web page as we continue, over time, to add more profiles.

Access our Myanmar risk profile: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/s/Myanmar-Country-Risk-Profile-zt2c.pdf

Access our Vietnam risk profile: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/s/Vietnam-Country-Risk-Profile-kkph.pdf

Access our country risk profiles web page: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/country-risk-profiles

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Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) is headquartered in Louisiana, USA.  We provide international Advisory, Audit, and Due Diligence products and services wherever our clients are located across a range of industries in the areas of Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Import, Export, and Customs Compliance, Drug Precursor, and Distilled Spirts Plant Compliance. We reduce risk and help protect our client’s business by guiding and partnering with them to solve challenging compliance issues. 

For more information: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/about-us

Follow us online:

·         Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/globalcompliancesg

·         Twitter – https://twitter.com/GCSGLLC

·         LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-compliance-solutions-group-llc

Signup for our monthly global compliance news update email: http://eepurl.com/crXHmL


E   info@globalcompliancesg.com

GCSG launches new country risk profiles

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) launches new country compliance risk profiles

GCSG distributes Vietnam, their inaugural country compliance risk profile – our risk profiles provide business, compliance, and risk professionals with a snapshot of relevant governance, trade compliance, and anti-bribery and corruption risks

PRAIRIEVILLE, LA – GCSG, a professional compliance management consulting company, today announces the launch of our new country compliance risk profiles (“risk profiles”).  The risk profiles are intended for business, compliance and risk professionals concerned with governance, trade compliance, and anti-bribery and corruption compliance risks in countries in which they do business.  Our first profile, being launched today is for Vietnam.   

In today’s global compliance environment, it can seem like an impossible task for business, compliance, and risk professionals to stay up to date with all the changes.  Amid this fast-paced environment and the recent trade wars some companies are looking to diversify their supply chains and others to grow through acquisition.  We deliberated how we could bring additional value for companies in these situations and decided on a free standardized country-level risk profile.  This approach will enable users to access our in-house and global partner network knowledge without having to formally engage us.  And then, as needed we can provide direct client support with our international advisory, audit and due diligence products and services,” said Jonathan Mellard, Founder, GCSG.

Each risk profile is designed to provide a snapshot of a targeted set of compliance risks within each country to assist the user with understanding the risks in that country as they look to diversify their supply chains, acquire a new business, or improve their knowledge of a country they currently operate within. 

Each risk profile provides a concise view of relevant legislation, risks, and the current environment.  Some risk profiles are drafted solely in-house and others are drafted in collaboration with our global network.  Every risk profile incorporates a risk ranking for each category and for the country overall.  The risk ranking is determined using our proprietary country risk-scoring tool that analyzes a combination of publicly available factors and then calculates and assigns a score for potential risk at the country level.        

We are excited to build on our client focused services with the launch of our free country compliance risk profiles because we believe they will bring value to the user,” added Mellard. 

Interested parties should periodically check our country risk profiles web page as we continue, over time, to add more profiles.

Access our Vietnam country compliance risk profile: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/s/Vietnam-Country-Risk-Profile-njg4.pdf

Access our country risk profiles web page: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/country-risk-profiles

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Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC

Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) is headquartered in Louisiana, USA.  We provide international Advisory, Audit, and Due Diligence products and services wherever our clients are located across a range of industries in the areas of Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Import, Export, and Customs Compliance, Drug Precursor, and Distilled Spirts Plant Compliance. We reduce risk and help protect our client’s business by guiding and partnering with them to solve challenging compliance issues. 

For more information: http://www.globalcompliancesg.com/about-us

Follow us online:

·         Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/globalcompliancesg

·         Twitter – https://twitter.com/GCSGLLC

·         LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/company/global-compliance-solutions-group-llc

Signup for our monthly global compliance news update email: http://eepurl.com/crXHmL


E   info@globalcompliancesg.com

The World Bank Publishes Doing Business Report 2018

On October 31, 2017 the World Bank (WB) published the 15th edition (2018) of their Doing Business Report (the "Report").  The Report compares quantitative indicators from 190 countries in an effort to measure the ease of doing business in each country. 

The Report measures regulations in up to 11 different areas of the life of a business and it relies on data that is current as of June 1, 2017.  The ten areas included in the 2018 report are:

  • Starting a business
  • Dealing with construction permits
  • Getting electricity
  • Registering property
  • Getting credit
  • Protecting minority investors
  • Paying taxes
  • Trading across borders
  • Enforcing contracts
  • Resolving insolvency   

The report found that 119 countries saw improvements in their regulatory framework last year.  Reducing the complexity and cost of regulatory processes, obtaining credit, and trading across borders were the areas that saw the most improvement. 

The Doing Business Report is one of 19 risk indicators Global Compliance Solutions Group LLC (GCSG) uses in its quantitative Third-Party Risk Ranking tool (the "tool").  The tool uses the 19 indicators as well as 7 entity specific questions to generate a risk score.  The score is used to evaluate the potential risk a third-party poses to our client's business. 

For more information on GCSG's Third-Party Risk Ranking tool click here or contact GCSG directly for more information: info@globalcompliancesg.com     

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